[ 14 ] Il team è pronto ad allargarsi - 22.06.2022

[14] The team is ready to expand. - 22.06.2022

I write these lines in the grip of that classic feeling of fear and enthusiasm, which I have known well since that evening in December when an unknown woman wrote...

[14] The team is ready to expand. - 22.06.2022

I write these lines in the grip of that classic feeling of fear and enthusiasm, which I have known well since that evening in December when an unknown woman wrote...

[ 13 ] VD Italy torna in Bocconi - 15.11.2021

[13] VD Italy is back at Bocconi on 11/15/2021.

On November 15th, for the second time, I had the privilege of telling the story of VD Italy at Bocconi. 

[13] VD Italy is back at Bocconi on 11/15/2021.

On November 15th, for the second time, I had the privilege of telling the story of VD Italy at Bocconi. 

[ 12 ] Ti dico una cosa nell’orecchio

[12] I've got something to tell you in private.

The perfect gift, especially these days, can't be found in stores. So, give attention: turn off the phone and TV. Listen to what he says, but also to what's in...

[12] I've got something to tell you in private.

The perfect gift, especially these days, can't be found in stores. So, give attention: turn off the phone and TV. Listen to what he says, but also to what's in...

[11] Green commitment non è un concetto astratto.

[11] Green commitment is not an abstract concept.

Since VD Italy began, we've wondered about emissions, waste, and the impact of a commercial company with packaging, couriers, and products.

[11] Green commitment is not an abstract concept.

Since VD Italy began, we've wondered about emissions, waste, and the impact of a commercial company with packaging, couriers, and products.

[10] 7 Buoni motivi per scegliere un gioiello fatto a mano.

[10] 7 Good reasons to choose a handmade jewel.

1 are 7Good reasons to choose a handmade jewel: UNIQUENESSAn artist designs, creates and finishes the product.In large jewelery productions, machinery can produce one hundred if not a thousand pieces...

[10] 7 Good reasons to choose a handmade jewel.

1 are 7Good reasons to choose a handmade jewel: UNIQUENESSAn artist designs, creates and finishes the product.In large jewelery productions, machinery can produce one hundred if not a thousand pieces...

[9] 22.8.2019 - Inside VD: la nostra musa.

[9] 22.8.2019 - Inside VD: our muse.

I've been looking for a woman who embodies the values of the brand for a long time.

[9] 22.8.2019 - Inside VD: our muse.

I've been looking for a woman who embodies the values of the brand for a long time.