[17] "Do something every day that scares you" - first month of internship

[ 17 ] "Fate ogni giorno una cosa che vi spaventa" - primo mese di stage

When the countdown for the start of Simona's internship began about a month ago, I was caught by the classic magone: am I doing the right thing? For months I had the feeling of having to expand the team, due to too many projects set aside due to lack of time ... but fear assailed me every time and I prevaricated.

When you create a company and give it your name, you are putting your face on it and you fear that anyone could "mistreat" that creature that, in the last 8 years, has been the perfect extension of your soul.

There have been particularly dark moments when the heart was too stifled to barely glimpse the light; instead there were phases in which I literally danced and sang, packing orders and enjoyed the nights awake.

If I look back, it seems like yesterday: these years have flown by and today, finally, my little VD Italy has a mapping of the processes, of the first procedures and there is someone who takes care of it, together with me but (what for me more strange) even without me. 

Simona is a passionate, tenacious and very creative collaborator, with an uncommon sensitivity: she took over the brand at 360 °, learning to know it and perfectly entering the famous "corporate culture" that I didn't know I had. We told each other dreams, goals, points of view on things, we rejoiced for the first small goals and we supported each other when something didn't turn out.

I really lacked a presence to which I could tell my moods "from within", who could really feel how wonderful or heartbreaking something was like me.

There were certainly times when she thought I was crazy (in my nights awake or in my trains not to be missed, even at the cost of running), but if she has not yet given up after a week like the one just passed, maybe we are already at a good point.

In a small brand you don't work by time, but by objectives: our goals, which give us stimuli and inspire us, which make us feel every day that we have learned something new.

Follow us, because between October and November we have a lot of news to tell you (and we hope it will arrive soon, that here I risk spoiling everything and then Simo scolds me). 

Ps. Today I saw VD Italy for the first time in a job description, but do you have any idea what it's like? I know today and I am grateful to Simona for choosing to take care of my dream with me. 

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