[ 20 ] VD ITALY a Soho, New York City - 13.10.2022

Starting from November VD Italy will fly to New York, literally!

We are in fact proud to announce the presence, lasting three months, at Flying Solo, a Fashion Retail Space located in SoHo, New York City.
It is an important international showroom, which selects exclusive brands with an original style in the fields of clothing, fashion accessories, beauty and cosmetics and the home.
Precisely for our exclusivity and sustainability we have been selected, and we are ready to show it through our LoveisLove collection, designed to represent equality and inclusiveness, two current and very important themes, but above all central in our company, like “Fundamental pillars” that guide our actions, every day.
The collection consists of new studded jewels of crystals of the best quality in the world, of all shades of the rainbow; the products will also be available on our website www.vditaly.com.
Proud of such an important collaboration, we will not stop here: we are already working on the next goals for the future of VD Italy.
In case you weren't in NY to see our live exhibition, you can find us on the Flying Solo website at this link: https://flyingsolo.nyc/.