My first two years as an entrepreneur

When I created my first piece of jewelry for fun about two years ago, I never imagined that I would be here today celebrating the second birthday of my jewelry brand. It was not just a passion or an intuition that guided me, but an impulse, an irrepressible instinct, the desire to write a new story every day. A story of rain and sunshine, of waiting and passion, of friendship and sharing, of attunement and a few difficulties.
How it all began
It all began by breaking and reassembling old pieces of my mother's jewelry. On a shoestring budget, I nestled and nurtured this small draft of an idea, hoping that something good would come of it. The point is, I really don't know where VD Italy came from. I didn't have a specific dream of becoming an entrepreneur; it's something that just "fell into my lap". And when I think about the roles I play today, I get scared just to name them.
Challenges of being a young female entrepreneur
Being a young woman entrepreneur is not easy. You have to earn the trust and respect of older, more experienced and often male entrepreneurs. At 25, and as a woman, I had a few more walls to break down. But today, looking back, I am happy. Happy that I broke through those walls, ignored the predetermined categories of success, and created something that bears my initials.
The hard work behind the success
Over the past 365 days, there has been no shortage of sleepless nights and wee hours.